our favorite dress choice!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Lets Talk cerfew baybee! ♥

Some of us have reasonable parents with reasonable cerfews. Others have undercaring, or overcaring parents.

A good cerfew is probably around 2:30-3:00, its enough time for traffic, and if prom ,witch it usually does, ends at 12 its JUST enough time to drive home everyone ON TIME.

If your parents WONT let you out past 12, then you will have to prove to them that you are responsible. Find a ride home that they know is safe, tell them you will check in every 20 or 30 minutes. Let them constantly know where you are and what your doing. Make sure they meet your date, and approve. (tell him to bring your mom flowers, or something.) And weeks before keep up school work/ help out extra around the house..&& they might change their mind..

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